Mt. View Orchards: Helen & Jordan

I feel like the “highlights” from this day are gonna be a lot, so I’ll start with those:

  • Gorgeous day, gorgeous place, attractive mountain conveniently lurking in the background. Not too hot or too cold, something noteworthy for this year’s wedding season.

  • Helen & her fam are the kind of family you invite yourself to join on the holidays; they’re fun AND they genuinely enjoy each other. Also, at least one of those brothers is ridiculously hilarious. And that seems to multiply when you stick them close together. Another one is a walking thesaurus of fantastic words; listening to him talk is a total treat. One is a vault of thoughtful observations. And, together, they’re the brothers of Helen, and they love her so fiercely, and it’s beautiful.

  • I’m pretty sure Jordan’s dad is secretly Jim Carrey, so that was exciting. (Yep, definitely awkwardly said that out loud during family photos.) And his groomsfolk were ridiculously funny. I learned some things from the young folk this day.

  • The pizza tasted as good as it looked. Possibly better. I got to bring the most awesomest Danae Jones with me as my teammate for the day. We spread out a picnic blanket between the pear trees and ate allllll the pizza during our dinner break.

  • These folks brought the fun with them. Like a LOT of fun. And everyone was super friendly!

  • THE GLOW STICKS. Just look at the pictures. It was fantastic.

  • Danae brought me snackies, drove us home. She also showed me where in the “fruit loop” to buy the best cookies and jam. Told you she’s the greatest.

Congratulations, Helen & Jordan! Watching your families connect and grow was a total treat! Please always invite me to visit when your out of state family visits. They’re the greatest too!