Rose Garden Elopement: Ashley & David

I’m gonna start this story off by noting that the couple arrived separately, but with very similar spontaneous entrance dance moves. (I took this as a clear sign that my evening is likely to be quite enjoyable)
Prior to that, I spent a few moments with the little humans, and they kept running so fast that their shoes couldn’t keep up. (Also most excellent; note to self, do not buy those slow shoes.
Just about everyone who showed up commented on Ashley’s hair looking amazing. My husband even noticed. If you somehow didn’t notice, you can fix that now. I’ll wait.
Also - a first for me - first wedding jumper! I was SO excited! More wedding jumpers please!
Spontaneous dance moves showed up constantly, and I’d just like to take a moment and note that I think the world should include more spontaneous dancing.
And the poses! I can’t take credit for like…half of these, but what I can do is tell you that this family spends a LOT of time making memories together. Their pose game is strong!
I want to say that I could have spent the entire evening with these folks, but I think I used up every smile muscle I had in the brief time we spent together. And did it all over again going through the photos, trying to pick a few favorites. See below for the few.
Ashley and David, I wish you a lifetime of laughs together. Thank you so much for including me in this very joyful and wonderful event.

Oregon Adventure Elopement: Sara & Emmanual's Mountainside Ceremony

June 2020 feels like a lifetime ago, right?

When I first met Sara & Emmanuel, we had dinner and drinks at a pub together, looking forward to a huge, weekend-long gathering of loved ones from across the globe. I was SO excited.

Sara & Emmanuel’s wedding ended up being incredibly intimate, with most immediate family members & guests unable to attend physically.

After more than a decade of wedding photography, Sara and Emmanuel’s wedding felt very much like a “first day” or a day of firsts, for me. It was beautiful and and heart wrenching and heart wrenchingly beautiful. Sara & Emmanuel are a TEAM, and the intimacy and slower pace of their day really gave me the opportunity to notice and appreciate the quiet care and thoughtfulness that they showed each other.

There were many events and invites that were foregone for the sake of the greater good. There were also these magical moments that happened, that just aren’t the types of moments that happen on large, organized event days. I have so much empathy for the nuanced decision making processes each couple went through this past year. The pandemic wedding season has been a crash course in nuance and difficult decisions. I imagine I’ll reflect on it for years to come.

Sara & Emmanuel - congratulations on your marriage, and thank you for including me on your wedding day. I sincerely hope there is a large family party possible in your not-too-distant future, and that I get the opportunity to stop by and check “our gigantic group photo” off of our goals list.