Brandon & Alyssa's Mountainside Wedding

This past weekend, I watched a childhood friend marry this amazing woman, who sees and gets him in this really beautiful way. I made friends with so many great new folks, found an amazing dress hanging helper, laughed a lot, cried a ton too. What. A. Day.

Witnessing love stories from behind the lens is an incredible privilege.
No story is quite like another, and the tiny little details that make each one unique are what make them beautiful.
I’m going to struggle on this one, partially because I’ve known Brandon for decades, and I only met Alyssa last week. But also - I’m not sure words can properly describe these two and their connection.
Brandon has an incredibly kind and selfless heart. It’s really special - like unicorn special. And, in the few moments I got to spend alone with Alyssa, it was so clear to me that his heart would be in the best of hands with her. And one of my favorite details about their wedding reception was how many people went out of their way to tell me amazing Alyssa stories.
These two were SURROUNDED by love; I’ve never seen a group of people so enthusiastic to be popsicles in the wind while witnessing forever promises. I can’t wait to see what adventures await these two.
Congratulations, Brandon & Alyssa. Each of you are amazing. Together, you’re magic.