Corvallis Senior Photos: Alyssa

I got to join Alyssa & her family for a really fun (and CRAZY-foggy!) morning on the Oregon Coast. Her dad is SUPER-friendly. (He totally reminds me of my mom in that way). He seems like he could make friends with just about anyone. :) 
When I met up with Alyssa, she was pretty excited about her new job. And I could totally see why. She has one of the coolest high school jobs ever! She's a fashion blogger for one of my favorite stores, Nordstrom. Check out her fashion tips here!
Thank you for such a fun morning, Becker Family! It was great meeting all of you!!

Oh! Also! I learned a VERY handy hair tip from Alyssa & her Mama on shoot day: hairspray on a comb, then gently run it over the top of your head = no more flyaways and no helmet hairspray hair! BRILLIANT!

Oregon Coast Family Photo Session: Sisters!

The Gillespie Slone Sisters are a BLAST.  (They're also OBVIOUSLY a seriously attractive bunch of ladies, but I don't have to tell you that.)  We arrived at the beach just as the rain was stopping - Phewf! And bonus - it gave us some awesome skies for our shoot.  :)

There was an impromptu sand fight: AWESOME!!
Sometimes, it's more fun to have your picture taken when you're pulling someone's hair when they aren't expecting it:
And a surprise piggy back ride fight. Also awesome!
Getting splashed by super-cold waves can be pretty shocking. But it makes for great facial expressions.
And, of course, there was the smashing of sand castles.  :)

...And then it started to rain again, so we ran for our shoes and shelter.