Salem Family Photographer: Schaffner Family

These guys have been my clients since the very beginning of me trying this whole, 'follow my dreams, own my own business, live life to the fullest,' adventure. Over the years, we've grown from casual client conversations to close friends. We've celebrated successes and cried over the sad stuff. I knew I loved photography when I started this adventure, but I didn't fully realize the gift of connections that it would bring to my life. Getting to watch this family grow - to watch their kiddos grow up - potty training, learning to swim, going to games, celebrating birthdays...none of it has anything to do with the pictures, yet somehow it has everything to do with this wonderful world of being a photographer. How did I get so lucky!?  And, just so this post includes one sentence of 'on-topic' content - how did they get SO cute!?!

Dru: Santiam Christian Senior Class 2016

One of my favorite things about senior sessions is hearing about their plans for the future. Senior year is such a cool time of life - a world of possibilities ahead of you. When Dru told me that he wanted to go into politics and that he wanted to do some senior pictures at The Capitol Building in Salem, I was definitely intrigued. When he shared a few of his dreams and ideas with me, I was impressed. And when he told me that my daughter's smile made his senior session more fun, I was totally sold. :)  Watch out world, this guy is gonna make it a better place!

Holiday Mini Sessions - Have You Scheduled Yet?

There's still time to squeeze in Christmas photos AND have them ready to send out before Christmas! Email me today to book your spot for Holiday Mini Sessions - 20 minute session, three options for products. You'll have your photos within a week! Below is a sneak peek of one of the sets. There's also a reindeer, Santa hat, fun signs, and more!