Office Remodel: Day 1

I'll show you a before/after photo at the end of this endeavor.  Promise.  But, in the meantime, relax and enjoy my remodeling efforts. Please keep in mind that I'm a photographer, not a carpenter. Many "learning experiences" to follow.  Hey, no laughing.   
(In case it's not immediately apparent, the goal is two separate desks, which will replace a broken desk and folding table, currently claiming to be my office space.)

DAY 1: Go to store, buy supplies, come home, cut and sand the lumber.  

Notable Moments:

An elderly gentleman actually stopped to laugh at us as we loaded the wood into our sedan. He walked away laughing, saying, "Well, whatever works I guess."  How Rude!  (How Accurate!!)  :)

After the measuring and sawing, Steven left me to enjoy some quality time with my sander. I put on some headphones and rocked out.  ...Turns out, our garage is not sound-proof. My sincere apologies to anyone who heard my a cappella efforts.  Steven was highly amused and didn't mention the lack of sound-proof-ness until I had completed the project.